SQLiteDevStudio - Read Me

SQLiteDevStudio is a front end SQLite Database development and maintenance tool for Android. It has been primarily developed for developers to create databases specific to their own application needs which can then be exported into their own projects.


Price Plan

For a limited time the app can be trialled as the full premium version. Even when the trial period ends you can continue to use the app with premium services. Re-installing SQLiteDevStudio after the trial period will result in the loss of premium services. A one time in-app purchase can be made to restore the premium functionality.

SQLiteDevStudio Premium

£4.79 in-app purchase

Create, open & delete databases

Create, view & edit database objects

SQL Editor for dml/ddl statements

Limit rows returned

Sort rows returned

Describe table structure

Database transaction functionality

External storage database access

Export database to .java adapter file

DML operations via dialog interface

Display foreign key information

Enable/disable foreign key constraints

BLOB data type viewer

Create/drop/alter tables via dialog interface

Create/drop triggers via dialog interface

Create/drop indexes via dialog interface

Extract database object SQL code

Import/export table data via .csv file

SQLiteDevStudio Lite


Create, open & delete databases

Create, view & edit database objects

SQL Editor for dml/ddl statements

Limit rows returned

Sort rows returned

Describe table structure


SQLiteDevStudio is a front end SQLite Database development and maintenance tool for Android. It has been primarily developed for developers to create databases specific to their own application needs which can then be exported into their own projects.

It can also be used to simply view and edit data. This is particuarly useful when wishing to see the current state of data during the testing phase of application development.

SQLiteDevStudio can access databases from a number of locations on a given device:

SQLiteDevStudio can also be installed on an Emulator (with Google Play) in your own development environment. This is useful during development and testing of your own applications.

After install a user account needs to be set up to access the application. User will be prompted for an email address. This is used only in the event that the user has forgotten their password. Password will be sent to the email address that was used during account setup. Email address is encrypted and only stored locally on the device. It is not shared amongst any other parties.


SQLiteDevStudio has the following functionality:

Some functionality may not be available on older devices (see Terms of Service). All functions should be available on Android 10(Q) and onwards.

Import/Export of .csv Files

To import a .csv file into a SQLite database table using SQLiteDevStudio the format of the .csv must be as follows:


Where 'N' is the number of columns in the table.

Export of data into a .csv file will be of the same format as that shown above.